No.9/2000 |
Dateline: March 8, 2000 |
This is a weekly electronic information service of the International Network of Engineers and Scientists for Global Responsibility
Editor: Tobias Damjanov, e-mail: < >
INES homepage: http://inesglobal.org
INES International Office < >
INES Chair: Prof. Armin Tenner < >
INES Congress 2000
''Challenges for Science and Engineering in the 21st Century''
Stockholm, 14-18 June 2000
INES 2000 Conference Secretariat: mailto:
CONTENTS of WNII No. 9/2000
UK: Scientists for Global Responsibility (SGR) Newsletter (No. 20/Spring 2000) http://www.sgr.org.uk
The latest SGR Newsletter is a special issue on climate change. It carries the following main articles:
plus SGR news, as well as book and conference reviews. Please note the email and website changes of SGR in the section "INES Web- + Email Service" elsewhere in this issue. To receive a copy of the SGR Newsletter, contact the SGR Administrator Kate Maloney:
Russia: 7th Conference of the Socio-Ecological Union (SEU)
In preparing for the 7th SEU Conference, to be held in Kiev (Ukraine) in August this year, a "SEU Times" Special issue-1/March 2000 has been produced, carrying a contribution on the SEU strategy for the 21 century. To receive a copy, contact the SEU CCI Press-secretaries:
Hague Appeal for Peace: Global Campaign for Peace Education
As part of this campaign, the Hague Appeal has been establishing a Peace Education listserve intended to be a forum for educators, members of civil society and individuals interested in peace education to share ideas and resources and network with others interested in promoting peace education. To subscribe, send an email to: To learn more about the campaign, visit http://www.ipb.org Also, be sure to check out the new HAP website http://www.haguepeace.org
USA: Nuclear Age Peace Foundation (NAPF), The Sunflower, No. 34, March 2000 Back issues: http://www.wagingpeace.org/sf/index.html
(Please note the subscription changes in the section "INES Web- + Email Service" elsewhere in this issue.) The latest edition of The Sunflower covers the following:
Abolition 2000 homepage: http://www.abolition2000.org
Grassroots News: http://www.napf.org/abolition2000/news/
Briefings on the 2000 NPT Review Conference
Note that I am compiling all "Briefings ." published so far as a separate rtf-file. So if you wish to get an (always updated) overview of what has been published here on the NPT Review Conference, I am able to send you this compilation upon request. T. Damjanov
New Zealand Parliament calls on all nations to pursue nuclear disarmament On 23 February, the New Zealand Parliament adopted without dissent a motion moved by Prime Minister Helen Clark, marking the dawning of the year 2000 with an appeal to all member states of the United Nations to join in fulfilling the obligation to pursue in good faith and bring to a conclusion negotiations leading to nuclear disarmament in all its aspects under strict and effective international control. If you wish to obtain the wording of the motion adopted by Parliament and/or a copy of the Prime Minister's speech in moving the motion, please contact: Alyn Ware
Report from the NGO Planning Meeting on 24 February This report which you can obtain from the WNII editor, notes, among other things, that -- the three-hour session for NGO presentations to delegates will be scheduled for Wednesday, May 3, most likely in the afternoon; -- everyone interested in contributing input to the NGO presentations should make immediate contact with the appropriate convener or conveners (the list of these conveners is given in the Report but is too long to be reprinted here - so if you wish to contribute, ask for the report in full; td) The Report also gives the list of invitees who have accepted invitation to participate in NPT activities (as of February 29): Ron Dellums *** Daniel Ellsberg *** Lev Feoktistov *** Oren Lyons *** Admiral Ramdas *** Jonathan Schell *** Christopher Weeramantry *** Alexi Yablokov The next meeting is scheduled for 17 March.
You can get this paper either from the WNII editor or from Bahig Nassar: < >
"What Next for the NPT?" (UNIDIR disarmament forum one/2000) Released just in time, the quarterly of the UN Institute for Disarmament Research contains the following articles:
Articles are published in English and French. For a copy, contact:
Abolition 2000 activities (from the Minutes of the Abolition Co-ordinating Committee Conference Call on 25 Feb)
NGOs' "Recommendations for Action" letter to governments represented at the NPT Conference It is intended to help organise NGOs views on the forward-looking portion of the upcoming Conference with a view to the adoption of these ideas by the conference or, at least, by a large majority of parties to the conference. It will be sent to the heads of states and foreign ministers of NPT States Parties, as well as officials from India, Pakistan, and Israel. The recommendations in this letter build upon the 1995 NPT "Principles and Objectives" document http://www.un.org/Depts/dda/WMD/NPT.htm and draws upon recommendations contained in the "New Agenda Coalition" resolution of 1999 http://www.acronym.org.uk/unnac99.htm The letter is motivated by the fact that this NPT Review Conference will be contentious and may be perceived as a "failure" if agreement is not reached on forward-looking goals for disarmament and non-proliferation. Reaching agreement on this aspect of the Review Conference will require the coordinated efforts of a large number of like-minded states and pressure from NGOs in each of several important capitals. This letter was originally drafted by Arjun Makhijani (IEER, INES member organisation), Daryl Kimball (Coalition to Reduce Nuclear Dangers), and Martin Butcher (BASIC) at the suggestion of participants at a February 1 meeting on the NPT in Washington DC involving several disarmament NGOs. It has benefited from the comments and suggestions of a number of NGOs. For the letter in full, and corresponding details, visit: http://www.clw.org/coalition/nptsign-on0300.htm NOTE that the letter should be signed NOT LATER THAN March 15.
NGO Energy & Climate Change Caucus: Useful web references
Intergovernmental Group of Experts on Energy and Sustainable Development (IGEE) Provisional Agenda, and advanced unedited copies of the reports of the UN Secretary-General on "Energy and Sustainable Development: Key Issues", and "National Submissions": http://www.un.org/esa/sustdev/enrexpert.htm
General Energy website of ECOSOC DESA, which contains several of the other specific websites noted below: http://www.un.org/esa/sustdev/enr.htm
Information on the first session of the Intergovernmental Group of Experts on Energy and Sustainable Development: http://www.un.org/esa/sustdev/enrexpert.htm
The 1997 UN General Assembly Special Session's Programme for the Further Implementation of Agenda 21 (Energy is paragraphs 42 through 46. Transport is paragraph 47, and Atmosphere is paragraphs 48 through 56): http://www.un.org/esa/earthsummit
Report from the April, 1999 meeting of the ECOSOC Committee on Energy and Natural Resources for Development: http://www.un.org/esa/susdev/enrcom.htm
Energy activities of UNDP, including current draft of World Energy Assessment (WEA): http://www.undp.org/seed/eap/activities
Meetings of the UN Inter-Agency Task Force on Energy: http://www.un.org/esa/sustdev/iaenr.htm
UNESCO's World Solar Programme: http://www.unesco.org/science/wsp
Energy 2000 Workshop that took place at UNHQ on 1-2 February 2000: http://www.un.org/events/energy2000/main.htm
Contact of the NGO Energy & Climate Change Caucus Coordinators: Coordinator for the South: Rajat Chaudhuri (India) Coordinator for the North: Deling Wang (USA)
Survey re: Proceedings of the upcoming World Congress of the Systems Sciences
(This is a message from Peter Corning, Ph.D., President, World Congress/International Society for the Systems Sciences2000; see the Conference Announcement in WNII No. 8/2000) As a part of the planning for the World Congress of the Systems Sciences this July in Toronto, we are seeking to arrange for a special "commemorative volume" that will consist mainly of conference-related items that will NOT be included in our regular conference Proceedings. These will encompass, among other things:
Written summaries of most of the special "keynote" and co-host plenary addresses (Rapoport, Beer, Chaisson, D.S. Wilson, Casti, Ackoff, Sebeok, Laszlo, Jackson, Troncale, Swimme, Klir, Salthe, and others).
Summaries of special symposium presentations on: Capitalism in the 21st century, Resources and the Environment in the New Millennium, the Lessons of Y2K, The Art and Science of Forecasting in the Age of Global Warming, the Biological Sciences as Systems Sciences, and our featured symposium (open to the public) on Friday evening: "Can There Be a Reconciliation Between Science and Religion?"
Abbreviated summaries of contributions by past, present and incoming ISSS Presidents on their views regarding the past, present and future of the systems movement.
Presentation summaries from selected panels of particular interest. These have yet to be determined.
PLEASE respond by March 15th to the following brief survey questions, which we hope will provide valuable information for our potential publisher: Question 1. In general, would you have any interest in purchasing this volume: "yes" or "no" Question 2. If this volume were to be priced at $49.50, would you, in that case, be interested in purchasing it: "yes" or "no" Question 3. If you answered "yes" to Q.1 and "no" to Q.2, would a lower price (say 20 percent less) change your answer in Q.2: "yes" "no" You may respond by listing the question number and your choice of answers. We would very much appreciate your help. Peter Corning, Ph.D.
UNCTAD X, Bangkok, 12-20 Feb 2000 http://www.unctad-10.org
From WNII Editor: If you are interested in UNCTAD X, I can provide some selected background articles:
Send your request to:
10th Annual General Meeting of ANPED Northern Alliance for Sustainability: "A new era of NGO participation" http://www.antenna.nl/anped/
Date: 24-26 March 2000
Venue: Bratislava (Hotel Ano Prosm), Slovak Republic
Co-organised by the Society for Sustainable Living in the Slovak Republic
Work programmes: Sustainable Production and Consumption; Local Sustainable Development; Action on Environment and Health; Corporate Accountability and Globalisation. Workshops within these main themes will include, among others, sessions on genetic engineering, Local Agenda 21, Extended Producer Responsibility, Regulating TNCs.
For more details, mailto:
International Conference and Exhibition on Sustainable and Renewable Raw Materials http://www.europoint-bv.com
For more details, mailto:
International Summer Academy on Technology Studies: Strategies of a Sustainable Product Policy http://www.ifz.tu-graz.ac.at/sumacad/
The Summer Academy will focus on interventions and policy measures aiming at a more sustainable way of manufacturing and using products. Participants will discuss the consequences and perspectives of an analysis aiming at the integrative level of products taking into account the social and cultural dimensions of the design, consumption and use of products as well as instruments and strategies leading us towards a sustainable product policy.
Call for Papers: Participants are encouraged to present a paper related to the conference topic. Please submit a one page abstract and a maximum of one page on your work and research background. The deadline for submissions is Friday, March 31, 2000. For more details, mailto:
Global Conference On Peace 2000
The purpose of the conference is to provide a forum for thoughtful and constructive dialogue on the urgent issue of establishing long-lasting peace and stability in the world at the dawn of the 21st century. Our aim is to get the people of the world to declare the first 25 years of the new century a period of peace so that developing countries can establish priorities and to focus on developing their health, education and economic infrastructure. The conference will seek to identify the requisite steps needed to establish peace and which in turn will include a commitment to dialogue and renunciation of hostile confrontation, the preservation and enrichment of the physical, intellectual and spiritual environment, the protection of the rich cultural ethnic, linguistic, racial and religious diversity, as well as the realization of global economic prosperity and social progress. For more details, goto: http://www0.delphi.com/peaceportal/
All INES e-mail addresses and homepages are available upon request from: < >
CHANGES: Scientists for Global Responsibility (SGR), UK
SGR now has a set of new email addresses (in alphabetical order of function):
Accordingly, the web-site domain of SGR has changed to: http://www.sgr.org.uk
CHANGE: Indian Institute for Peace, Disarmament and Environmental Protection (IIPDEP)
Note the following change of email address:
CHANGE: NAPF's "The Sunflower" list service
"The Sunflower", an electronic monthly provided by the INES member organisation Nuclear Age Peace Foundation (NAPF), has changed its list service provider. "The Sunflower"will now be posted through the Egroups list service. Subscribe and unsubscribe actions can be done both by email to or at the egroups website at http://www.egroups.com under the group name sunflower-napf Back issues of "The Sunflower" will be available both at http://www.wagingpeace.org as well as at http://www.egroups.com under the group name sunflower-napf
<><><><><> end of No. 9/2000 what's new in ines <><><><>