
Dateline: August 10, 2001

This is the weekly electronic information service of the International Network of Engineers and Scientists for Global Responsibility

Editor: Tobias Damjanov, e-mail: 
WNII is archived at: http://inesglobal.org/archive.htm    
INES homepages: http://inesglobal.org       http://www.inesglobal.com/
INES International Office   
INES Chair: Prof. Armin Tenner    [Please note that the first "1" in q18 is the number one, while the last "l" is an "L"]

CONTENTS of WNII No. 32/2001

Editor's apology for delay


USA: Nuclear Age Peace Foundation (NAPF), The Sunflower, No. 51, August 2001
Back issues: http://www.wagingpeace.org/sf/backissues.html
Events are listed at: http://www.wagingpeace.org/calendar/events_current.html

The August issue of The Sunflower covers the following:

"The SEU TIMES" No 6 (21) - August 2001

"The SEU TIMES" is the electronic newsletter of the "Socio-Ecological Union", one of the Russian INES member organsiations. The latest edition is a special issue on "Corporations Attack - Environmentals Arrests in Hot Spots" containing the following briefs:

Editor: Sviatoslav Zabelin     Previous issues of "The SEU Times" may be found at "The Online Gadfly": http://www.igc.org/gadfly 


Some new resources


Abolition 2000 homepage: http://www.abolition2000.org  Grassroots News: http://www.napf.org/abolition2000/news/

Tactical Nuclear Weapons in Europe: A Perspective from Ukraine

This is the title of the latest UNIDIR (UN Institute for Disarmament Research) Brief, which examines the present and future roles of TNWs in the new European security environment. The study is part of a series of publications that UNIDIR is producing on this subject. Authored by a team of researchers (A. Shevtsov, A. Yizhak, A. Gavrish, and A.Chumakov) from the National Institute for Strategic Studies, Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine, the study comes to the following Main Policy Recommendation for TNWs in Europe:

  1. adoption of a nuclear weapons no-first-use policy by NATO and Russia
  2. withdrawal of TNWs to national territory in peacetime
  3. renunciation of nuclear sharing agreements by NATO
  4. exchange of information between NATO and Russia on the stocks, deployment, and doctrine of TNWs
  5. inclusion of TNW negotiations into an expanded START process
  6. creation of a nuclear-weapon-free zone in Europe

For orders [Sales No. GV.E.01.0.1.; ISBN 92-9045-138-6] contact:   or


2002 World Summit on Sustainable Development: Online application for participation

Details and forms on how to apply to participate in the Earth Summit 2002 (WSSD) in Johannesburg 2002 and its PrepComs is now online at: http://www.johannesburgsummit.org/web_pages/participation/summit_registration_and_accreditation.htm   Questions regarding participation in the Johannesburg 2002 process can be addressed to the following:


Andreas Toupadakis' letter of resignation

Under the headline "Lawrence Livermore Lab chemist quit job to protest nuclear weapons," WNII reported last year (see WNII 8/2000) about the case of Dr. Andreas Toupadakis who meanwhile has some contacts to INES. Dr. Toupadakis has now asked to publish the website where you can find "The Reasons for My Resignation from Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory" which is his Letter of Resignation: http://www.globalcomment.com/articles/currentaffairs/andreas/resignation.htm   The resignation of Dr. Toupadakis from Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory on January 31, 2000 received media coverage worldwide, especially in the US, Japan, and Greece. In protest, he followed his conscience and resigned from a high salaried position rather than devote his knowledge and energy to the further development of nuclear weapons. Since then, he has been lecturing on peace and environmental issues at many universities and colleges, including Tufts University, MIT, the University of Notre Dame, San Francisco State University, Humboldt State University and Waseda University in Tokyo. (from his Biography)
NOTE that you can get a web sources list of both articles by and on Andreas Toupadakis either from the WNII editor or from Dr. Toupadakis:


"Guns, Greed and Globalization. A Guide to the New World Economy"

Edited by the US War Resisters League, this 104-page anthology examining the links that bind the institutions of global capitalism and the global war machine. Twenty-five essays reveal how corporations, weapons traders, the WTO/World Bank/IMF and U.S. policies impact people and communities - and suggest alternatives and resistance to corporate-dominated globalization.

With 25 articles by Vandana Shiva, Oscar Arias, Angela Davis, Phyllis Bennis and many more. (8-1/2 x 11 paperback, US$5 each plus $1 postage.) Downloadable order form available at http://www.warresisters.org .   For more order information contact:


No new or changed addresses.
All INES e-mail addresses and homepages are available upon request from:  

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