Dateline: 21 Dec 1997
Editor: Tobias Damjanov, Kreutzkamp 33, D-21465 Reinbek, Germany e-mail:
INES homepage: us016262/ines.html
Proofreading by Kate Maloney, SGR UK
Note: Except as indicated, all web and ftp links are working as of December 23, 1997; e-mail links are not verified.
!NOTE! The next WNII issue - which is to be No. 1-98 - will appear on 12 January 1998.
=== > Please do not forget to inform us about changes of your email address or your homepage!
=== > International Guidelines for the Management of Plutonium
The Board of the Vienna-based International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) is about to adopt these Guidelines after almost 4 years of negotiations probably to be published by the end of January 1998. The Germany-based International Working Group on Natural Sciences, Technology and Security (IANUS), to which INESAP is linked, is monitoring this process having a critical standpoint concerning the expected outcome.
!INFO! A Briefing Note is available from: Dr. Martin Kalinowski <>
IAEA homepage:
=== > Landmines For the Oslo and Ottawa conferences see the following web pages:
=== > Multilateral Agreement on Investment (MAI)
--- Consolidated Text and Commentary (Draft Treaty): hendrik/mai-1097.txt
--- RISC (Reading International Solidarity Centre) UK has a new page devoted to the MAI:
--- For MAI-Not .. subscription information, posting guidelines and links to other MAI sites please see:
--- Maude Barlow and Tony Clarke: MAI: The Multilateral Agreement on Investment; October 1997, ISBN 0-7737-5946-8
--- John Cancer Stage of Capitalism; The CCPA Monitor, July/August 1996;
!INFO & SOURCE! Eric Fawcett <>
=== > Women and Peace
An international women's peace petition calls for war no longer to be seen as an acceptable form of social behaviour, in the same way that slavery, colonialism and apartheid have now been delegitimised, and for governments and civil society together to develop new institutions that do not resort to violence for the settlement of disputes. The petition demands that all governments of the world transfer a minimum of 5% of their military budgets over the next 5 years to health, education and employment programmes. The petition is available in 17 languages. The 100,000 signatures (from 100 countries, mostly in the South) collected so far were presented to the President of the UN General Assembly on UN Day 24 Oct.
!INFO! Peace Action International, USA <>
!NOTE! Events listed here are being published only once due to limited space. Changes, however, will be taken into account - they will be marked with "!UPDATE!"
=== > 1998 Preview
<><> 13-15 Feb: INES Students Congress Dortmund, Germany !INFO!
<><> 14-15 Feb: 13th Annual South Asia Conference Center for South Asia Studies, International and Area Studies, University of California, Berkeley, USA
<><> 20-21 Feb: Planning for the NPT, Palais des Nations, Geneva, Switzerland International seminar on disarmament (originally scheduled for Stockholm, 5-7 Dec 97) !INFO! NGO Committee for Disarmament, Edith Ballantyne <>
<><> 14-22 March: European Week of Action Against Racism !INFO! UNITED for Intercultural Action, <>
<><> 27 April - 8 May: Week of Action at the NPT PrepCom in Geneva !INFO! International Peace Bureau <> !see also! Briefing on the preparatory INESAP activities by: Martin Kalinowski <>
<><> 29-31 May: European Peace Congress, Osnabrueck, Germany (INES is a member of the organising umbrella) !INFO! European Peace Congress <> ;
<><> June: International Treaty Conference to establish an International Criminal Court, Italy !INFO! International Peace Bureau <>
<><> 23-27 July: INES Council Meeting, Symposium and Seminar, Cambridge/Boston, USA
--- 23-24 July: Symposium on selected problems of global and regional security
--- 24-26 July: Council Meeting
--- 26-27 July: Seminar and excursion on Approaches to the Local Agenda 21 and Community Development
<><> 14-16 September: 4th INESAP Conference 1998, Amman, Jordan A special preparatory meeting is planned for Sunday May 3, 1998 in Geneva !INFO! <>
<><> 19-24 September: Choosing Peace Together War Resisters' International (WRI) Triennial Conference, Porec/Croatia !INFO! <>
<><> 3-6 December: XIII World Congress of the International Physicians for the Prevention of War (IPPNW), Melbourne, Australia !INFO! Medical Association for Prevention of War Australia (MAPW): <>
!NOTE! A full list of all INES e-mail addresses and homepages is available upon request.
=== end of No. 15 what's new in ines === end of No. 15 what's new in ines ===