WHAT'S NEW IN INES? No. 4/1997 Dateline: 21 July 1997

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Dear members and friends of INES, You might feel surprised to receive yet another issue of "What's New In INES?" so shortly after the last one. Well, this is the start of trial period during which "What's New In INES?" shall appear every other fortnight. One reason for this approach is that there is so much information relevant to INES activities. Another reason is that this kind of communication makes sense only if the up-to-date quality is taken into account in the first place. Up-to-date quality not only means to include "stop press" information whenever needed. It also includes information on events which you need to be aware of and prepare for in a longer run (that goes especially for international conferences and seminars). So, don't hesitate and tell me what you think about it. Also, send in information about what is your organisation planning, what where the recent highlights, as well as what kind of problems you are faced with. In this issue, we are modestly starting with the column "News from INES Members" which should become one of the major focal areas of "What's New In INES?". Hope you find this issue useful. Tobias Damjanov, editor Kreutzkamp 33, D-21465 Reinbek, Germany e-mail:

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BRITAIN Scientists for Global Responsibility (SGR) Congratulations to SGR which exists for five years this summer! In a letter presented to the participants of the upcoming INES Council Meeting, SGR Chair Philip Webber gave some remarkable examples of the activities of SGR. For example, while being active with INES projects - especially the ethics working group - SGR has also supported the World Court Project, the Low Level Radiation and Health Symposium at the House of Commons, Amnesty International Human Rights Convention, and, finally, the Science for the Earth Seminars. Last year, it set up its regularly updated web site - http://www.gn.apc.org/sgr/, and for the next 3-5 years, SGR is doing detailed planning: "We are working to pull together fundable programmes of work which focus on the contribution of scientists and engineers in key areas. These include: the 'Science Matters' series of pamphlets; trials of the Open Science Protocol; continued support of whistleblowers such as Vanunu and Nikitin; interviewing for the Ethics Guide and its publication and dissemination; development of our web site to network more effectively with like-minded organisations; dissemination of plans for global control and reductions in highly enriched uranium and plutonium; UK nuclear safety issues; the threat of global climate change and climate engineering; biodiversity research ..." Contact SGR at

GERMANY Forum Informatikerinnen und Informatiker fuer Frieden und gesellschaftliche Verantwortung FIFF (Forum of Computer Scientists for Peace and Social Responsibility) FIFF will hold ist 1997 General Annual Assembly under the title "About the Role of Critical Experts within the Information Society", Paderborn, 14-16 November. Information is available from the Congress Office: (Carmen Buschmeyer) or via the following Webpage: http://hyperg.uni-paderborn.de/FIFF_JT97 One particular workshop will deal with the subject of "Armament and Computer Sciences". For more details, contact please (Peter Ansorge); or: (Ralf E. Streibl) Naturwissenschaftler-Initiative "Verantwortung fuer den Frieden" (Scientists' Initiative "Responsibility for Peace") This INES member is organising a major congress named "Natural Sciences on the Rise of the 21st Century", to be held in Dortmund, 28-30 November 1997. Information is available from

ITALY Unione Scienzati Per Il Disarmo USPID (Union of Scientists for Disarmament) This year's International Biannual Conference of USPID will be held in Castiglioncello, 25-28 September. Ist theme is "Nuclear and Conventional Disarmament: Progress or Stalemate?". Information about the conference and the main speakers are available from: http://www.dsi.unimi.it/~USPI For Registration, go to: http://www.dsi.unimi.it/~uspid/Cast97/reg.

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+++ GLOBAL SECURITY; NATIONAL INTERESTS - CIVIL SOCIETY +++ This year's Triennial Assembly of the International Peace Bureau (IPB) - a member of which INES is - will be combined with an international peace conference on Global Security, National Interests - the Role of Civil Society. The conferences will take place in Moscow, 25-28 September 1997. An Organizing Committee of 11 Russian civic and peace organisations has drafted the following programme: 25 Sep: Welcome by IPB President Maj-Britt Theorin, Mayor of Moscow Yuri Luzkhov, deputies of State Duma, Moscow City Duma deputies, and Chair of Civic Peace Association Tair Tairov Plenaries: (1) The future of global security and East-West relations: the NATO/OSCE debate (2) The work of NGOs: against militarism, and for peaceful conflict resolution and cooperation among ethnic/national groups Panel discussion: Democracy in Russia and the shape of European security at the edge of the 21st century Workshop sessions 26 Sep: Parallel sessions: --- Women's Forum --- Youth for Peace in 21st Century --- Ethnosphere Workshop sessions 27 Sep: IPB Assembly and Council (observers are most welcome!) 28 Sep: Cultural visits Contacts: --- IPB, Rue de Zurich 41, CH-1201 Genf; Tel. (0041-22) 731 6429, Fax: (0041-22) 738 9419, e-mail: --- Civic Peace, Moscow 103050, Degtiarny per, 15 str.

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+++ HUNGARY: NGO CONFERENCE ON SUSTAINABILITY +++ Regional Aspects of Sustainability, Participation and Democracy is the title of an NGO Conference, to be held in Hungary, 24-26 January 1998. A Coordinating Committee has been appointed to elaborate a detailed programme. Further information can be obtained from: Hungarian Peace Association, att: Miklos Barabas, POB 440, 1395 Budapest 62, Hungary; T(there is no email address available)

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+++ INES WEB- AND EMAIL SERVICE +++ Thanks to Kate Maloney from the British Scientists for Global Responsibility (SGR) who found out that, for various reasons, some of the email addresses given in the last issue turned out to be not accessable. As far as corrections were possible, i.e. I could find out about new email addresses, these are marked as "/corr./".

HOMEPAGES of INES member organisations Note: "!new!" only indicates that this homepage has not been listed in the last issue of "What's New In INES?" --- !new!: Forum of Computer Scientists for Peace and Social Responsibility FiFF (Germany): http://www.uni-paderborn.de/arbeitsgruppen/fiff/fiff.html ; or: http://hyperg.uni-paderborn.de/~FIFF --- !new!: Research Institute for Peace Policy (Germany): http://www.schmillen.de/ff.htm --- !new!: Union of Democratic Scientists BdWi (Germany): http://staff-www.uni-marburg.de/~rillingr/bdweb.html

EMAIL ADDRESSES of organisational Members (countrywise): Australia: + Please drop the email addresses of the following organisation (no new one available yet): Scientists Against Nuclear Arms (SANA): (Note: the email given in the last issue belongs to SGR UK) Cuba: + Please drop the email addresses of the following organisation (no new one available yet): Movimiento Cubano por la Paz y la Soberania de los Pueblos (Cuban Movement for Peace and Sovereignty of the Peoples) France: + Please drop the email addresses of the following organisation (no new one available yet): Syndicat National des Travailleurs de la Recherche Scientific SNTRS-CGT (National Trade Union of Scientific Research Workers) Germany: --- /corr./ Bund demokratischer Wissenschaftlerinnen und Wissenschaftler BdWi (Union of Democratic Scientists): --- /corr./ Forum Informatikerinnen und Informatiker fuer Frieden und gesellschaftliche Verantwortung FIFF (Forum of Computer Scientists for Peace and Social Responsibility): --- /corr./ Interdisziplinaere Arbeitsgruppe Naturwissenschaft, Technik und, Sicherheitspolitik IANUS (Interdisciplinary Working Group on Natural Science, Technology and Security Politics): + Please drop the email addresses of the following organisations (no new one available yet): Working Group on Peace Issues at German Technical Colleges Latvia: --- /corr./ Cooperation for Peace, Baltic International Center of Human Education Latvia: New Zealand/Aotearoa + Please drop the email addresses of the following organisation (no new one available yet): Engineers for Social Responsibility (ESR) Russian Federation: --- /corr./ Green Cross Russia: + Please drop the email addresses of the following organisation (no new one available yet): Centre for Arms Control, Energy and, Environmental Studies Moscow USA: --- /corr./ Buddhist Perception of Nature: (Eric Hol)

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