+++++++++++++++++++ WHAT'S NEW IN INES? +++++++++++++++++++
No. 13/1997 ---------------------------------------------------------
Dateline: 23 Nov 1997
Editor: Tobias Damjanov, Kreutzkamp 33, D-21465 Reinbek, Germany
INES homepage: http://www.mindspring.com/~us016262/ines.html
Proofreading by Kate Maloney, SGR UK
=== > Please do not forget to inform us about changes of your email address or your homepage!
=== > INESnet references
This is a new service only for non-subscribers to INESnet listing what has been disseminated via INESnet since the last WNII issue.
<> Subject: The Cancer Stage of Capitalism
Source: Eric Fawcett <>
<> Subject: Bomb destruction
(Project to establish centres for the destruction of Russian (and other bombs) which are stockpiled in arsenals throughout the world)
Source: Michael John Warrington <>
=== > INES Executive Committee
Minutes of the Telephone Conference of 6 Nov 97
Participating: R. Braun, E. Ezz, D. Krieger, J. Matousek, M. Ollivier, V. Petrosyan, L. Ryden, H. Spitzer, A. Tenner (newsletter editor)
a) Center for Education and Communication on Environment and Development (CECED), Katmandu, Nepal
CECED is a non-governmental organisation working on environment, science and technology in Nepal. It was established in 1992. Its objectives include research, monitoring training, education and publication of results. They have implemented an environmental education program in various high schools. They support literacy programs, reforestation, organic gardening and income generating activities (in support of the smooth running of literacy classes). They have a total staff of 35 including young scientists.
!CONTACT! Ramesh Sabu Shrestra, Secretary General,
CEDED Nepal, Box 379 Bag Bazar, Kathmandu, Nepal;
b) Global Resource Action Center for the Environment (GRACE), New York, USA
GRACE is a non-member, not-for-profit corporation started in 1996 committed to forming new links between those engaged in research, policy and grassroots community work in order to promote solvtions to preserve the future of the planet and to protect the quality of the environment.
GRACE projects include work for the abolition of nuclear weapons promotion of corporate responsibility for the environment and opposition to factory farming. The president of GRACE, Ms. Alice Slater, has been previously worked with ECAAR (Economists Allied for Arms Reduction).
!CONTACT! Ms. Alice Slater, President
Global Resource Action Center for the Environment
15 East 26th Street, Room 915, New York, N.Y. 10010, USA
Both organisations were admitted.
D. Krieger reported briefly on the very successful INESAP-CONFERENCE in Shanghai (September). R. Braun reported on the opening of the INES-LIAISON OFFICE IN BRUSSELS on 18 October 1997. The office will support INES and its project groups in fundraising and lobbying at the headquarters of the European Union. Fundraising proposals should be discussed with Reiner Braun or the chairman before being brought to Brussels.
!CONTACT! Gerd Greune, Susanne Drake
IFIAS, 81a Avenue Jan Stobbaerts, B - 1030 Brussels, Belgium
The EC confirmed the plan to hold the next Council meeting in the Boston area (USA), provided sufficient additional funding can be secured. The tentative date is 24-26 July 1998. It is intended to complement the meeting by a symposium and a seminar on topical issues. It is hoped that the choice of the meeting location will encourage participation by more council members from the Americas.
The tentative program will be as follows:
23 July 9.00 - 24 July 12.30 Symposium on selected problems of global and regional security
24 July 16.00 - 26 July 12.30 Council Meeting
26 July 15.30 - 27 July 18.00 Seminar on topical issues and excursion on "Approaches to LOCAL AGENDA 21 and community development"
Next steps:
a) Arrangements for venue and accommodation (R. Braun, P. Walker)
b) Program proposal for symposium (R. Braun, D. Krieger, H. Spitzer, P. Walker)
c) Fundraising draft for symposium (R. Braun, D. Krieger, NN)
d) Program proposal and fundraising draft for seminar on topical issues
(D.Meissner, H. Spitzer, P. Walker)
e) Visit of R. Braun to the Boston area Feb. 19(?) - 21, 1998
4. INES CONGRESS 2000 (Stockholm)
"Challenges for Science and Engineering in the 21st century"
a) The next meeting of the preparation committee will be held on 10/11 January 1998 in Uppsala, Sweden (instead of 15/16 November 1997). Committee members unable to attend can be connected by telephone for part of the time.
b) Lars Ryden has drafted an information sheet and a questionnaire on topical issues, which is to be distributed soon to all INES member organisations and individual members which can be reached by e-mail.
c) Lars Ryden will ask members of Club of Rome for potential cooperation on the Congress preparation. He will also involve the UN Youth organisation Life Link. They could convene a workshop.
a) The Conference REGIONAL PROBLEMS IN THE CONCEPT OF SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT IN RUSSIA, which is coorganized by INES, will be held on 15-19 December 1997 in Moscow. 5 INES members will participate as speakers. The program is still being put together.
b) The INES student network will hold a STUDENT CONGRESS "Students perspectives on a sustainable World" on 13-15 February 1998 in Dortmund, Germany. !CONTACT! via INES office.
a) R. Braun, W.D. Grossmann, J. Spangenberg and H. Spitzer are working on the outline of a book project "Sustainable Societies - The social Dimension".
b) R. Braun informed the EC that he would like to discuss a possible cooperation with members of FIET and Institut fuer Organisationskommunikation (Germany) on a project focussed on institutional reform and strengthening of social capital.
c) INES has been invited to participate in a campaign "The Hague Appeal for Peace" and a major international citizens peace conference, to be held 11-16 May 1999 in The Hague, Netherlands. The Hague Appeal for Peace 1999 will dedicate itself to taking the next steps necessary to de-legitimize war. The EC endorsed the participation of INES. INES will be represented by Armin Tenner in the preparation committee.
The next telephone conference of the EC will be held on === > 26 February 1998
Hartwig Spitzer, e-mail:
=== > Member Organisations + Project Groups News
<> Announcement of INESAP Technical Reports
INESAP Technical Reports are a new series of high-quality, peer-reviewed scientific analyses relating to arms control, disarmament and non-proliferation of weapons of mass destruction. Their aim is to improve the quality of independent scientific knowledge on technical issues of importance for shaping new policy initiatives. Everybody is invited to submit reports to be reviewed for publication in this series.
INESAP Technical Report No. 1 was published in August 1997
Andre Gsponer, Jean-Pierre Hurni: "The Physical Principles of Thermonuclear Explosives, Inertial Confinement Fusion, and the Quest for Fourth Generation Nuclear Weapons"
ISBN: 3-933071-02-X, Price: $ 20
!CONTACT! Dr. Martin Kalinowski, e-mail:
<> The Schleswig Holstein Institute for Peace Research (SHIP) is organising an international conference on Conversion. Challenges for Enterprises and Regions in East and West in Kiel/Germany, on 27-29 March 1997.
<> http://www.uni-kiel.de:8080/schiff/
If you need selected web references concerning the current Iraq crisis please send me a message.
Tobias Damjanov <>
!NOTE! Events listed here are being published only once due to limited space. Changes, however, will be taken into account - they will be marked with "!UPDATE!"
<><> !UPDATE! European Conference on Nuclear Abolition The conference has been postponed until late January or early February next year.
!NOTE! A full list of all INES e-mail addresses and homepages is available upon request.
!CORRECTION! Email address of Dr. David Krieger:
<> [no dot between d and krieger!]
!NEW! INES Students Network:
=== end of No. 13 what's new in ines === end of No. 13 what's new in ines ===