
Dateline: January 26, 2000

This is a weekly electronic information service of the International Network of Engineers and Scientists for Global Responsibility

Editor: Tobias Damjanov, e-mail:    
INES homepage: http://inesglobal.org
INES International Office    
INES Chair Prof. Armin Tenner    

INES Congress 2000

''Challenges for Science and Engineering in the 21st Century''

Stockholm, 14-18 June 2000


 INES 2000 Conference Secretariat: mailto:

CONTENTS of WNII No. 4/2000


Japan Scientists' Association (JSA)   

The December 1999 issue of "The Bulletin of JSA" carries the following:    

Can you help the Hague Appeal (HAP)?     

From HAP Director Gouri Sadhwani 

Dear Hague Appeal Supporters, we are trying to increase the number of people who subscribe to the HAP list-serve. We already have hundreds of people on the list but need thousands! This list is used to send out action alerts on the campaigns promoted by HAP as well as information from around the world on our global peace and justice movement.     Can you copy and paste this message to the bottom of your signature?   This way it will go out on the bottom of all your emails and all your   friends and colleagues can subscribe.    Thanks very much!     Message to copy and past:    "GET CONNECTED TO HAP! SUBSCRIBE to the HAP News list-serve.    Send an e-mail to: "


Abolition 2000 homepage: http://www.abolition2000.org

Grassroots News: http://www.napf.org/abolition2000/news/  

Briefings on the 2000 NPT Review Conference    

INES/INESAP events planned     INES and INESAP, together with others, are planning to hold two events during the NPT Review Conference, possibly after 8 May:     
(I) a Briefing on the Nuclear Weapons Convention (NWC) at the UN,  addressing mainly diplomats  
(II) a Forum on the implications of missile defense, including Russian and Chinese perspectives and reactions. The Forum would take place outside the UN, addressing the public and concerned NGOs.  Since preparations are just in the beginning, watch this space for further and more detailed information. However, if it is interesting to you at this stage, you might obtain the minutes of the first preparatory meeting held on 20 January: Contact Tobias Damjanov who has been appointed assistant/secretary coordinating these events:   

Information Note for Non-Governmental Organizations   This is of particular importance for those who plan to attend the    Conference and related activities at the UN in New York: it is a short but very helpful briefing by the UN-based NGO Committee on Disarmament as how to make your arrangements at the spot, and whom to contact for these purposes. Send me a request if you wish to receive this note.    

Suggestion to press for compliance with NPT Article VI     In a response to David Krieger's article "Abolition 2000 At The Year 2000", Edward Perry (Board of Church and Society, California-Pacific Conference, United Methodist Church, USA) suggests that, "the delegates to the 2000 NPT Review Conference be asked to demonstrate compliance with Article VI by implementing the 1961 American/Soviet (McCloy/Zorin) plan for general and complete disarmament. Both the United States and the Soviet Union presented more detailed plans that should be reviewed."  Meanwhile, short comments on that were disseminated by Francis A. Boyle and Alyn Ware, followed by responses to each of them from E. Perry.  Note that Edward Perry's website includes the following:   "a copy of the American/Soviet (McCloy/Zorin) plan for general and complete disarmament (GCD); my opposition to H. Res 479, The Model Nuclear Weapons Convention; when the Hague Appeal for Peace (HAP) switched from GCD in the HAP Vision Statement to the New Agenda Resolution in their final Agenda for Peace and Justice for the 21st Century,  I wrote a response that I naturally called the OLD Agenda."   http://www.egroups.com/group/swords-into-plowshares       Send me a request if you wish to receive Edward Perry's statement in full along with the comments.    

News on WILPF's "Reaching Critical Will" (see WNII 3-00)     In the weeks leading up to the NPT Review Conference, WILPF intends to bring representative of Non Governmental Organizations and governmental representatives together for a monthly event at the UN both in New York and in Geneva. For 2 weeks prior to these meetings, we intend to use our web page to solicit views from around the world on relevant topic. Our first session will focus on two questions: 1. What role can the multilateral NPT have in making progress in nuclear disarmament?    2. Should there be a subsidiary body an on-going on nuclear disarmament or another new institutional mechanism? If so, what should it do? Please see our web site for background information: http://www.reachingcriticalwill.org       The views collected from this debate will be made available to relevant decision makers in the governmental and non-governmental community on paper and electronically. And how do you join the on-line dialogues???? We will be using 2 parts of our web site for this discussion: For short comments (up to 75 words) please    1. Go to our web site   2. click on our CHAT ROOM ,   3. Wait to load and then enter your name (you are encouraged to identify affiliation by anonymity is fine)   4. Click on ROOMs   5, Click on ROLE OF NPT and then   6. click on ENTER ROOM and type in your comments by clicking in the text space at the bottom of the screen.  If you have a longer piece to submit please email your contribution to:    The chat room transcripts and the longer contributions will appear on our MESSAGE BOARD. If you need technical help in posting something to the chat, email:            Felicity Hill, Director, WILPF United Nations Office          

Abolition 2000 Grassroots Newsletter January 2000     

This year's first Newsletter starts with the following:   " With less than 98 days until the first day of the Non-Proliferation   Treaty Review Conference, we still need to enroll 568 organizations to reach our goal of 2000 by the time of the NPT Rev Con. Currently, the Network is comprised of 1,432 organizations in 91 countries and 239 Municipalities have endorsed the Abolition 2000 Municipal Resolution.   We are seeking your support to help us reach our goal.  Please make a commitment to enroll a new organization this week."    

New resources    (from: Abolition 2000 Grassroots Newsletter January 2000)     


Visions of Peace   

International conference as part of the UNESCO's International Year for a Culture of Peace    

For more details, contact Sean English at: 

Deepening the Discourse on Human Rights; Developing Nonviolent Strategies for Direct Action and Diplomacy

Three week advanced summer seminar   http://www.geocities.com/hihrmaui/index.html

The principled analysis of existing international human rights rooted in relevant case law and international issues will be the basis for the seminar. A program of action will be developed together by experts and participants to transform the knowledge into direct action.  Application deadline is March 15, 2000.   For more details,   mailto:

International Conference on War Tax Issues   http://www.nonviolence.org

For more details,   mailto:

Sixth World Congress of Educators for Peace  

For more details,   mailto:  

IEP 2000: Issues in Global Change - Second International Issues in Environmental Pollution (IEP) Symposium    http://www.elsevier.nl/locate/iep2000

For more details, contact the IEP 2000 Conference Secretariat, att: Gill Heaton


All INES e-mail addresses and homepages are available upon request from:

UPDATE: email Peter Weish, INES Executive Committee    

Please note the email address of Peter Weish (Austria), member of the   INES Executive Committee: 

UPDATE: Japan Scientists' Association (JSA)    

Please note:   e-mail:       http://www.jsa.gr.jp /     
"The Bulletin of JSA:"   http://jsao.chem.sci.osaka-u.ac.jp/bull/bullindex.htm

         end of No.4/2000  what's new in ines