No.36/2000 |
Dateline: November 26, 2000 |
This is the weekly electronic information service of the International Network of Engineers and Scientists for Global Responsibility
Editor: Tobias Damjanov, e-mail:
INES homepage: http://inesglobal.org
INES International Office
INES Chair: Prof. Armin Tenner
CONTENTS of WNII No. 36/2000
Abolition 2000 homepage: http://www.abolition2000.org Grassroots News: http://www.napf.org/abolition2000/news/
Putin Arms Control Proposal (Source: Nuclear Policy Project Flash, Volume 2, Number 39, November 21, 2000)
Russian President Vladimir Putin said that Russia would consider limiting itself to even fewer than the 1,500 nuclear warheads on each side that Russia is currently proposing to the US. Putin also reiterated Russia's opposition to a US national missile defense system. Russian General Vladimir Yakovlev, commander of the Strategic Rocket Forces, suggested that Russia is resigned to a US missile shield, but floated that idea that offensive and defensive missiles be considered together, with cuts of one offset by a buildup of another. For budgetary reasons, Russia has favored deeper cuts in long-range missiles than the US, which has tentatively agreed to a limit of 2,000 to 2,500 warheads. Russia spends only about US$5.1 billion on defense, compared with annual US defense spending of around US$290 billion, and is under pressure from the Russian government to further reduce its budget. Full Text of Russian President Vladimir Putin's Statement: http://www.ransac.org/new-web-site/pub/nuclearnews/11.14.00.html#3
Abolition 2000 Nuclear Weapons Convention Working Group
Abolition 2000 has a number of working groups to focus on specific aspects of the campaign for the elimination of nuclear weapons. One of these is the Nuclear Weapons Convention Working Group. It focuses on the Model Nuclear Weapons Convention and on progress towards international support for a Nuclear Weapons Convention. The working group is coordinated by Alyn Ware (LCNP), Merav Datan (IPPNW) and Juergen Scheffran (INESAP). The working group hosts a separate email listserve to report and discuss progress. Recent topics include:
Please contact Alyn Ware on if you would like to join this working group and be added to the listserve.
France: The Abrupt Doubling of the Megajoule Price
The French representatives in the national legislative assembly just voted on a new defense budget. It is worth noting that France will carry on with financing a massive modernization program of its nuclear weapons. There are many aspects of the modernization of the French arsenal; it includes confirmation of the new order for a nuclear submarine with new nuclear warheads, new missiles and research on pure fusion with the Megajoule. In the 235 page annexed budgetary report, there is only one line that refers to the cost of the Megajoule whereas the price of the Megajoule has gone up to twelve billion French francs (1.6 billion dollars) compared to the previous price of 6,5 billions presented to the representatives in 1998... No justification was added for this twofold price increase. The American NIF (National Ignition Facility) laser of which the Megajoule is nearly a reproduction, has doubled in price during the year 2000, rising from two billion dollars to nearly four billion. This was due to increased costs caused by inferior laser optics. Other items were also underestimated. Since the NIF is a few years ahead of the Megajoule one could assume that the Megajoule will also cost more. Unfortunately, we can legitimately wonder if these prices are actual prices, for the Americans now admit that they have not perfected the manufacturing of the micro-balls which will be used as the thermonuclear explosion target. Dominique Lalanne (Stop Essais, France)
Just released: OECD/IEA working papers and publications
RAND-Corporation Report on US Foreign Policy and National Security
RAND-Corporation released on Nov 13, 2000 a report: "Taking Charge, A Bi-Partisan Report to the President Elect on Foreign Policy and National Security." A short version can be found at: http://www.rand.org/publications/MR/MR1306/ (6 pdf files, 61 pages). The project was co-chaired by a bipartisan trio of Frank Carlucci, Robert Hunter and Zalmay Khalilzad. As WNII reader Georg Schoefbaenker from the Austrian Information Center for Security Policy and Arms Control notes, the report "reads like one's fundamentals of US foreign and military policy." Dr Schoefbaenker has produced a shorter version of about 9 pages focussing on the Report's main issues. You can obtain this version from or from the WNII editor.
Biological warfare articles
The "European Disarmament Forum" 4/2000 carries the following articles on aspects of biological warfare:
6th International Conference on Solar Energy and Applied Photochemistry/3rd International Workshop on Environmental Photochemistry http://www.photoenergy.org/solar2001.html
The purpose of the Conference and the workshop is to provide a means of communication between scientists in different academic disciplines who share a common interest in the fundamental and technological aspects of the electronic excited state of different systems. It aims at research amongst the chemistry, physics, engineering, optics, electronics, materials science, biological, pharmaceutical and medical communities. It is thought to serve as a window into the emerging technology whose power mankind will acquire very early in the 21st Century. The conference and its satellite training workshop will treat the following topics on fundamental and applied aspects of::
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