
Dateline: October 28, 2000

This is the weekly electronic information service of the International Network of Engineers and Scientists for Global Responsibility

Editor: Tobias Damjanov, e-mail:   
INES homepage: http://inesglobal.org
INES International Office   
INES Chair: Prof. Armin Tenner   

CONTENTS of WNII No. 32/2000


International Peace Bureau: The Nanterre Declaration (issued by the IPB Conference at Nanterre, Paris, 12-15 October 2000)

As we meet in Paris today, we hear the cries of joy from the people who achieved a non-violent revolution in Serbia;

we hear the cries of pain and sorrow of the people of the Middle East;

we hear the cries of hope from the people of East Timor;

we hear the cries for help from the people from Sierre Leone; Guinea, Colombia and elsewhere.

We share both the joys and the sorrows. The lesson we draw from these dramatic events is clear.

Peace and justice are inextricably entwined.

Today we are alarmed and saddened at the escalating violence in the Middle East. We fully support the initiative of Kofi Annan to achieve a cessation of hostilities. We call for the United Nations Security Council to assume its rightful role in the peace process We call for urgent compliance with U.N. resolutions pertaining to Palestinian rights. We call for support for the peace movement in Israel and all efforts to bring Palestinian and Israeli people together in peace with justice.

A better world tomorrow means we must lay down our arms, promote a culture of peace and put an end to the globalization of war. We need a global peace regime which involves the active participation of civil society with governments and international organisations. We oppose the globalization of the economy which has caused more poverty and suffering and increased the likelihood of debilitating conflicts of all kinds.

In this regard we congratulate those, mainly young, people the world over who through their endeavours have focused global attention on the negative effects that have arisen. This is a globalization from above, of and for elites. We want a globalization from below that benefits all of humanity, that respects cultural diversities and eliminates social and economic inequalities.

We believe people can and will make a difference. We call on citizens everywhere to :

- Support the formation of a multilateral Nuclear Weapons Convention (NWC) with a five years realistic timetable for the complete elimination of nuclear weapons.

- Promote the extension of nuclear weapons free zones and zones free of weapons of mass destruction.

- Oppose the establishment of the National Missile Defense (NMD) and Theatre Missile Defence (TMD) and all plans to weaponise space.

- Stop any research into, and modernisation of, all weapons, nuclear or conventional.

- Demand the registration, regulation, reduction and ultimate cessation of the arms trade.

- Pursue all efforts to promote and institutionalise a culture of peace. This means encouraging all activities that help bring about an ever stronger culture of democracy, greater popular empowerment, gender equality, non-violence and peace education.

- Support efforts to strengthen and democratise the UN with particular emphasis on conflict prevention and resolution.

- Press governments and international organisations to recognise and involve the expertise of civil society in efforts to achieve non-military solutions to conflicts and to prevent wars.

Let us work together for the globalization of peace and social justice !

International Peace Bureau < >

Fossil fuel inputs associated with nuclear energy?

The following is a request put forward by Alice Slater, President of the US-based INES member organisation "Global Resource Action Center for the Environment (GRACE):"

Dear friends of INES, Is anyone familiar with a study which shows the fossil fuel inputs associated with nuclear energy? For example, is there an analysis of the fossil fuel expenditures involved in building, running, decommissioning and mining and transportation of nuclear materials and waste?

There is a big industry push happening now to include nuclear power as a sustainable energy alternative to carbon producing energy at the upcoming Commission on Sustainable Development meeting.

Also, at the NPT 2000 Review conference, nuclear power was classified as a sustainable energy source in the final document of the conference to which Austria, Denmark and Germany took exception on the last day of the Review. Many thanks for your help. Sincerely, Alice Slater < > http://www.gracelinks.org 

UK: Scientists for Global Responsibility (SGR): Two electronic debates

Alan Cottey, SGR UK, informs about two electronic debates, one on UNDERSTANDING IMMIGRATION CONTROVERSIES and the other on DEMOCRATIC SCIENCE, which are being held at http://mattasp.ewebcity.com/db/sgrforum/ , the web board of Scientists for Global Responsibility.

All interested are invited to contribute. To post Replies to Topics or to start a new Topic, visitors need to register. This is easily done at the top of the front page.

The e-debates have started, and it is intended that they should warm up during the International Week Of Science and Peace, 6 - 12 November.

Alan Cottey, 26 Oct 2000 < >


Abolition 2000 homepage: http://www.abolition2000.org  Grassroots News: http://www.napf.org/abolition2000/news/  

Abolition 2000 Report Card

On 24 October, United Nations Day, this year's Abolition Report Card has been released. It can be found at: http://www.abolition2000.org/reports/reportcard2000.html  

Bill would give push to "mini-nuke"

US INES member Prof. JoAnn M. Valenti has drawn attention to this article written by Steve Goldstein, Inquirer Washington Bureau, as of 16 October. Basically, the article deals with the latest status of US Congressional decision-making concerning the research on a new nuclear weapons' generation including low-yield nuclear devices

The article is available at: http://www.ransac.org/new-web-site/pub/nuclearnews/10.16.00.html#3  

You can contact the author Steve Goldstein through: < >


Earth Summit 2002 Newsletter

Concerning the Earth Summit 2002, a "Network 2002 Newsletter" is available at: http://www.earthsummit2002.org/es/newsletter/default.htm  

The November issue has the following contents:

Also, the previous Newsletter issues are available at the same website.

Gender Perspective on Energy for CSD-9

The Dutch-based "ENERGIA International Network on Gender and Sustainable Energy" has just disseminated a draft position paper including recommendations proposed by the ENERGIA Support Group and NGO Women's Caucus entitled "Gender Perspective on Energy for CSD-9"

You can get this paper either from: < > [1 = L, not the chiffre one]

or from the WNII editor as an rtf-formatted email attachment.

UNEP launches Vital Climate Graphics

As of 26 October, the United Nations Environment Programme has launched a set of user-friendly graphics that powerfully communicate the scientific findings on global warming.

The visual information contained in the Vital Climate Graphics folder makes it possible to grasp complex facts more quickly and fully than would be possible through simple text. The graphical impact is supported by additional written details that help to fill in the picture. The graphics are available as overhead slides and can be obtained via CD ROMs, booklets or the Internet. They are available on the web at: http://www.grida.no/climate/vital/   and can be purchased via http://www.earthprint.com  

The Graphics are based on the reports of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change ( http://www.ipcc.ch ), which was established in 1998 by the United Nations Environment Programme ( http://www.unep.org ) and the World Meteorological Organization ( http://www.wmo.ch ). The IPCC's 1995 Second Assessment Report is widely respected as the most authoritative source of climate change information available. The Graphics will be updated after the forthcoming Third Assessment Report, scheduled for publication in 2001, becomes available. The first set of graphics to be released focuses on climate change impacts.

(UNEP Press Release, 27 October 2000)


China's National Defence in 2000

The Information Office of the State Council of the People's Republic of China has published a white paper on China's policies on national defence and international security issues called "China's National Defence in 2000". This document is available in English at: http://english.peopledaily.com.cn/features/NDpaper/nd.html  


UPDATE: International Conference CIMAF 2001 "Science and Technology for Development" (see WNII 30/2000)

Authors are invited to submit their papers using one of the following methods: Submission by e-mail: (authors are strongly encouraged to use this method). In this case, authors are requested to send their papers as attachments to the following e-mail address: < > The allowed formats are: Microsoft Word, PDF or Postcript.

Submission by standard mail: Authors who prefer to submit their papers by post are requested to send them (accompanied by or limited to an electronic version) to the following mail address: CIMAF´2001, Calle 15 # 551 entre C y D, Vedado, C.P. 10400, La Habana, Cuba


No new or changed email or web addresses in  this issue.  All INES e-mail addresses and homepages are available upon request from:  

< < < < <  end of No. 32/2000  what's new in ines < < < < <