Dateline: 2003
This is the weekly electronic information service of the International Network of Engineers and Scientists for Global Responsibility
Editor: Tobias Damjanov, e-mail:
WNII is archived at: http://inesglobal.org/archive.htm
INES homepages: http://inesglobal.org http://www.inesglobal.com/
INES International Office
INES Chair: Prof. Armin Tenner [Please note that the first "1" in q18 is the number one, while the last "l" is an "L"]
CONTENTS of WNII No. 29/2003
SciDev.Net Biodiversity Quick Guide (Source: IISD's Linkages Update, 12 Sept 03)
SciDev.Net has launched a "Quick Guide" on biodiversity where visitors can find information on the biodiversity challenges facing developing countries. This resource considers the issues surrounding the need to protect global biodiversity and promote social and economic growth in developing countries. The guide includes: news stories from Africa, Asia, Latin America and the Middle East; descriptions of key reports and new research findings; links to relevant organizations; and an events section listing major conferences and workshops.
LakeNet's website update (Source: IISD's Linkages Update, 12 Sept 03)
LakeNet, a global network of people and organizations in more than 90 countries dedicated to the conservation and sustainable development of lake ecosystems, has improved its website to include a more comprehensive online database of over 2,000 lakes worldwide. The site also includes: links to over 1,500 organizations and resources useful to lake managers and others working to protect and restore lakes; a database of more than 250,000 lake basin maps; and a section dedicated to the Lake Basin Management Initiative, a global initiative to document and share experiences and lessons learned in lake management.
2003 World Investment Report (Sources: IISD's Linkages Update, 12 Sept 03; UNCTAD, Sept 2003)
The 2003 World Investment Report focuses on the decline in foreign direct investment (FDI), which dropped 21 percent in2002. Earlier chapters discuss the overall trends in FDI, which by and large have dropped dramatically, with no rebound expected for 2003. The reasons for the downturn are addressed from a global perspective as well as by region. The report considers key issues surrounding national FDI policies and international investment agreements, with a focus on the rise of such agreements, the right to regulate, home country measures, and corporate social responsibility. Implicated in the decline of FDI are factors such as weakening economies, falling stock markets, financial restructuring and the slowing down of privatization. More information:
Web resources on recently held meetings and conferences (Source: International Institute for Sustainable Development)
- First International Conference on Sustainable Energy, Planning and Technology in Relationship to the Environment, Halkidiki, Greece, 14-16 May 2003. http://www.wessex.ac.uk/conferences/2003/energy03/index.html
- Fourth International Conference on Ecosystems and Sustainable Development, Siena, Italy, 4-6 June 2003. http://www.wessex.ac.uk/conferences/2003/ecosud03/index.html
- Sixth Conference of the Parties (COP-6) to the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification, Havana, Cuba, 25 Aug-5 Sept 2003. Issues considered included: the designation of the Global Environmental Facility (GEF) as a financial mechanism of the CCD; the Secretariat's programme and budget for the biennium 2004-2005; feasibility and possible terms of reference of the regional coordination units; activities for the promotion and strengthening of relationships with other relevant conventions and international organizations, institutions and agencies; and follow-up to the World Summit on Sustainable Development. http://www.iisd.ca/linkages/desert/cop6/
- ENVIROWATER 2003 - VI Inter-Regional Conference on Environment, Albacete, Spain ,3-5 Sept 2003. Topics for this meeting included strategies and technologies to improve the use and sustainable management of water resources for achieving improved productivity and sustainable rural development. http://crea.uclm.es/envirowater2003.php
- International Conference on Climate Policy after Marrakech: Towards Global Participation, Honolulu/Hawaii, USA, 4-6 Sept 2003. The Conference aimed to convene senior technical bureaucrats, policy analysts and experienced practitioners to: discuss and share views on recent developments in climate policies and initiatives around the globe; advance understanding of the actions and policy frameworks that can contribute to compliance with Kyoto emissions targets; and facilitate discussion on how, when, and under what conditions a climate regime can move from where we are now to a global regime of wider participation and deeper emissions cuts. http://ewcraq1.eastwestcenter.org/~marrakech/
- 18th Session of the Global Biodiversity Forum, Cancún, Mexico, 5-7 Sept 2003. Synopsis of the discussions by the International Centre for Trade and Sustainable Development: http://www.ictsd.org/biores/03-09-08/story1.htm
- United Nations University’s World Institute for Development Economics Research’s (WIDER) Conference on Sharin Global Prosperity, Helsinki, Finland, 6-7 Sept 2003. Focused on ways to increase the global economy’s benefits to poor countries and poor people. Among the topics addressed are: innovative sources of development finance; private capital flows and foreign aid; international trade and foreign investment; and the development impact of globalization. http://www.wider.unu.edu/conference/conferences.htm
- Third Conference on the Capability Approach: From Sustainable Development to Sustainable Freedom, Pavia, Italy, 7-9 Sept 2003. This conference began with training sessions on the capability approach, followed by parallel discussion sessions on, inter alia, capability dynamics, food security, poverty and inequality, health, ethics, public policy, education and gender in relation to the capability approach. Two plenary sessions were convened to consider sustainable development and global justice. http://cfs.unipv.it/sen/index.html
- South East Asia Forum on Greenhouse Gas Mitigation, Market Mechanisms and Sustainable Development, Manila, The Philippines, 10-12 Sept 2003. The aim of the Forum was to examine recent developments in climate change policy, the use of market mechanisms, and their contribution to sustainable development in the region. Participants met in eight plenary sessions to hear presentations and engage in discussions on: global climate change negotiations; opportunities in and priorities for countries hosting projects relating to climate change; the promotion of projects in support of sustainable development; the greenhouse gas (GHG) market; existing procurement and capacity development programmes for the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM); key considerations in project development; and project idea notes proposed by the local private sector. http://www.iisd.ca/linkages/sd/seasia/
- International Conference on Environmental Rights and Human Rights, Cartagena, Colombia, 16-18 Sept 2003. http://www.censat.org
- International Conference on Eco-Restoration, Dehradun and New Delhi, India, 23-30 Sept 2003. http://www.nieindia.org/conferences.htm
- Water for Life and Peace (organized by Green Cross International and Green Cross Italy), Bologna, Italy, 24-26 Sept 2003. http://www.greencrossinternational.net/Announcements/Announcement_bologna.pdf
- AGUA 2003 - Multiple Uses of Water for Life and Sustainable Development, Cartagena de Indias, Colombia, 29 Sept- 3 Oct 2003. This international conference consisting of three parallel seminars focused on the relationship between water for people and water for food production. Seminar topics included: natural wastewater treatment and reuse; hydroinformatics for integrated water resources management; and information and knowledge transfer in the water sector. http://www.cinara.org.co/agua2003en.html
- Consultation on Environment for Peace: The Role of the Business Sector, Loccum, Germany, 3-5 Oct 2003. http://www.loccum.de/english/p0359e.html
Upcoming meetings and conferences (Source: International Institute for Sustainable Development)
see also a listing at: http://www.iisd.ca/upcoming/
- Congress on Globalization, Localization and Tropical Forest Management in the 21st Century, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 22-23 Oct 2003. http://www2.fmg.uva.nl/agids/globalisation
- Moving Forward from Cancún – Conference on the Global Governance of Trade, Environment and Sustainable Development, Berlin, Germany, 30-31 Oct 2003. The Conference provides an opportunity for researchers, policymakers, and NGO representatives to take stock of the negotiations of the September WTO Ministerial meeting in Cancún, Mexico. As part of the European Union-funded "Concerned Action on Trade and Environment" network, the conference will address a range of topical trade issues including: WTO rules and MEAs; the dispute settlement system; investment; subsidies; services; competition policy; government procurement; intellectual property rights; agriculture; public health; export credits; and development and implementation procedures. http://www.ecologic-events.de/Cat-E/en/background.htm
- Stakeholder Dialogue and Reporting Conference, London, 4-6 Nov 2003. http://www.ethicalcorp.com/dialogueandreporting
- International Scientific Workshop on Environment, Sustainable Development and Cultural Identity, Santiago de Cuba, Cuba, 6-8 Nov 2003. For more information contact Ana Victoria Knaggs: <>
- Meeting of the Global Environment Facility Council (GEF) (with NGO consultations preceding the Council meeting), Washington, DC, USA, 19-21 Nov 2003. http://www.gefweb.org
- Ninth Conference of the Parties to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC COP-9), Milan, Italy, 1-12 Dec 2003. http://www.unfccc.int and http://www.minambiente.it/cop9
- Seventh Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD COP-7), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 9-20 Feb 2004. http://www.biodiv.org/convention/cops.asp
- Eco-Efficiency for Sustainability: Quantified methods for decision making, Leiden, The Netherlands, 1-3 April 2004. http://www.eco-efficiency-conf.org/
- Third International Symposium on Sustainable Management of Forest Resources (SIMFOR 2004), Pińar del Rio, Cuba, 21-23 April 2004. http://iufro.boku.ac.at/
- Fourth UN Forum on Forests (UNFF-4), Geneva, Switzerland, 3-14 May 2004. http://www.un.org/esa/forests/
- International Conference on Economics of Sustainable Forest Management, Toronto, Canada, 20-22 May 2004. http://www.forestry.utoronto.ca/socio_economic/icesfm/