No. 28/1998 |
Dateline: December 20, 1998 |
WNII is an electronic information service of INES, the International Network of Engineers and Scientists for Global Responsibility
Editor: Tobias Damjanov, e-mail: < >
INES homepage: http://www.mindspring.com/~us016262/ines.html
INES International Office < >
INES Chair Prof. Armin Tenner < >
Dear WNII recipients,
This is the last 1998 WNII issue. The first 1999 issue will regularly be published by 4 January. Until then, I wish you all a pleasant Christmas time and a meaningful end of the year!
Yours, Tobias Damjanov, Editor
CONTENTS of WNII No. 28/1998
No new or changed email or web addresses in this issue. NOTE: All INES e-mail addresses and homepages are available upon request from: < >
Do not forget to inform us about changes of your email address or your homepage!
!!! Abolition 2000 homepage: http://www.abolition2000.org
The French organisation ''Appel des Cent pour la Paix'' (Appeal of the Hundred for Peace) has changed the address of its very useful and comprehensive homepage to: http://www.paix2000.org
You can find there information on peace issues, nuclear disarmament, NATO, nukes proliferation, ecological security, and all the issues connected with Abolition 2000.
This is the title of a 60-page study produced by the British American Security Information Council (BASIC) together with the Berlin Information Centre for Transatlantic Security (BITS). It has just been released as BASIC-BITS Research Report 98.5 (ISBN 1-874533-35-0; US$10)
I do not have information whether the Report is available via Internet. However, you could check BASIC's homepage at: http://www.basicint.org
The London-based Verification Research, Training and Information Centre (VERTIC) has just published two reports of this new series:
--- Patricia M. Lewis: Laying the Foundations for Getting to Zero: Verifying the Transition to Low Levels of Nuclear Weapons (Research Report no. 1)
--- George Paloczi-Horvath: Virtual Nuclear Capabilities and Deterrence in a World Without Weapons to Zero (Research Report no. 1)
For more, check the VERTIC homepage at: http://www.fhit.org/vertic or mailto < >
1998 UN General Assembly decisions on environment and sustainable development-related matters: http://www.iisd.ca/linkages/journal
The ''Earth Negotiations Bulletin'', which is published by the International Institute for Sustainable Development, has just released a Briefing concerning all decisions on environment and sustainable development-related matters by this year's UN General Assembly. It will be available at the homepage indicated above. (If you do not have web access, contact the WNII editor < > who could send you the Briefing via email.)
[NOTE: Electronic versions of the ''Earth Negotiations Bulletin'' are sent to e-mail distribution lists at http://iisd.ca/enb/email.asp . For information on the Bulletin, send e-mail to < >]
For information on the Earth Charter, please visit the homepage indicated above. For more, !!! mailto Earth Charter International Secretariat: < >
Re: US/UK strikes against Iraq
If you need more information, here are some selected references:
--- IraqNet News Center; Links to online news, radio, and business news in Iraq and the Middle East: http://www.iraq.net/
--- Arabia On-Line; Daily Middle East News, opinions, and economy: http://www.arabia.com/
--- Gulf Daily News; Daily news, Commentary and business: http://www.gulf-daily-news.com/
--- Yahoo Full Coverage: US, British Forces Strike Iraq; http://headlines.yahoo.com/Full_Coverage/World/Iraq_U_S_/
--- CNN: http://www.cnn.com/WORLD/meast/9812/17/iraq.strike.01/
--- MSNBC: http://www.msnbc.com/news/IRAQ_Front.asp
--- UNSCOM Resolutions: http://www.un.org/Depts/unscom/unscmdoc.htm
--- Carnegie Endowment for International Peace Non-Proliferation Project; Internet Resources on Iraq: includes a chronology of Iraq's pursuit of weapons of mass destruction and UNSCOM's attempts to frustrate this goal. Includes a map of Iraqi special weapons sites; Iraq research tools; and a Proliferation Brief titled "Iraq's Breakout Potential" http://www.ceip.org/programs/npp/un-iraq.htm
--- The Washington Institute for Near East Policy; Supports research, conferences, speakers and debate on US interests in the Middle East: http://www.washingtoninstitute.org/
--- The Middle East Institute; Contains up-to-date policy briefs on all areas of Middle East politics: http://www2.ari.net/mei
--- Middle East Research and Information Project; Background sources on current events in the Middle East and publishes the Middle East Report monthly magazine: http://www.merip.org/
--- Federation of American Scientists Iraq Crisis; Extensive news and documentation: http://www.fas.org/man/dod-101/ops/iraq.htm
--- Weapons of Mass Destruction in the Middle East; Country-by-country data on nuclear chemical and biological weapons programs, capability, delivery systems, and treaty membership in the Middle East from Monterey Institute's Center for Nonproliferation Studies: http://cns.miis.edu/research/wmdme/index.html
--- Iraqi National Congress (Opposition in exile): http://www.inc.org.uk/
--- Iraq Action Coalition, USA: http://leb.net/IAC/
--- Campaign Against Sanctions on Iraq (UK); Fully searchable archive of more than 300 articles: http://linux.clare.cam.ac.uk/~saw27/casi/index.html
--- Transnational Foundation for Peace and Future Research (Sweden): http://www.transnational.org
--- How does a cruise missile work? http://www.cdiss.org/tabtechs.htm
--- The official position of the US Government: http://www.state.gov/www/regions/nea/pmiraq.html
--- Bureau of Near East Affairs: U.S. State Department bureau dealing with countries in Near East and North Africa regions. http://www.state.gov/www/regions/nea/index.html
--- United States Central Command; Military headquarters for Middle East, Southwest Asia and Northeast Africa including the Arabian Gulf: http://www.centcom.mil/
--- Defenselink; The official web site for the Department of Defense a the starting point for finding U.S. military information online: http://www.defenselink.mil
--- News of the US-Air Force concerning Operation ''Desert Fox'' http://www.af.mil/current/iraq2/
--- For a time-line of U.S. statements about the sanctions on Iraq, see: http://www.accuracy.org/iraq
--- ADC-ITF Discussion list of the Iraq Action Coalition (USA): To subscribe, send an e-mail to "" with 'subscribe iac-list' in the body of the message
--- Discussion list of the Campaign Against Sanctions on Iraq (UK): To be added, send an email request to:
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MAI web references
[Source: ESR Newsletter No. 5/1998]
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''Disarmament Diplomacy'' No. 32
This is to inform you that ''Disarmament Diplomacy'' No. 32, published by the UK-based Acronym Institute, is now on the website indicated above. In addition to the comprehensive analysis and summary of the UN first committee debates and votes, with the General Assembly votes on this year's resolutions, by Rebecca Johnson, there are excellent articles from Lora Lumpe on small arms and by Alexander Kelle on the CWC, as well as the usual news review and documents summary.
A full list of all INES e-mail addresses and homepages is available upon request.
!!! mailto < >
No new or changed email or web addresses.
================ end of No. 28/1998 what's new in ines ================ ^