No. 25/1999 |
Dateline: 22 June 1999 |
WNII is an electronic information service of INES,
the International Network of Engineers and Scientists for Global Responsibility
Editor: Tobias Damjanov, e-mail: < >
INES homepage: http://www.mindspring.com/~us016262/ines.html
INES International Office < >
INES Chair Prof. Armin Tenner < >
INES Congress 2000
''Challenges for Science and Engineering in the 21st Century''
Stockholm, 14-18 June 2000
INES 2000 Conference Secretariat: mailto:
CONTENTS of WNII No. 25/1999
No new or changed email or web addresses in this issue.
NOTE: All INES e-mail addresses and homepages are available upon request from: < >
Please inform us about changes of your email address or your homepage!
Alan Cottey (SGR UK) informs about the 1999 International Week Of Science and Peace (II) [see also WNII No. 22/1999]
14th International Week Of Science and Peace (IWOSP 1999) 8th - 14th, November, 1999
What is IWOSP? IWOSP is a worldwide action week devoted to the topic "Science and Peace" which, since 1986, takes place annually during the week (Monday to Sunday) within which November 11th falls (Armistice Day). Think global, act local! IWOSP puts this motto into action. The key idea is to increase the public impact of small local events by concentrating many of them in a short time interval and publicizing them as part of a worldwide event. Initially organized on a private basis, IWOSP was given an official status by United Nations General Assembly Resolution 43/61 'Science and Peace' on December 6th 1988.
What you can do? You can take part in IWOSP by organizing or supporting a local event with participation of scientists related to the topic "Science and Peace", for example a lecture, seminar, debate, slide show, etc. The following are just a few of the many important and topical subjects which IWOSP can address:
The event could be at a university, school, public library ... It could be addressed to colleagues, students, school students, local politicians, journalists ... And you could inform local media about your activity and send them a copy of the U.N. resolution. Please do not forget also to inform the IWOSP National Coordinator in your country or the International Coordinator Dr. Hildegard Faessler; Kaiser-Franz-Josef Str. 12, A-6020 Innsbruck, Austria; Tel/Fax: +43-(0).512.565873
Abolition 2000 homepage: http://www.abolition2000.org
For the latest nuclear weapons abolition grassroots news, visit: http://www.napf.org/abolition2000/news/
At the INES-supported "Conference on Nuclear Policy and Security on the Eve of the 21st Century", held in St Petersburg, 17-19 June 1999 - which was organized in remembrance to the 1899 Second Peace Conference - the present NGO representatives from Scandinavia, the Baltics, Russia, Romania, and Western countries adopted a unique Declaration which is being forwarded to the [official] International Conference "Centennial of the Russian Initiative. From the First Peace Conference, 1899, to the Third, 1999" in St. Petersburg 22- 25 June, 1999.
Due to its length, this document is not being published here but you can get it from the WNII editor: mailto:
Fifth Conference of the Parties to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change
UNFCCC COP-5 is to take place at Bonn/Germany, from 25 October to 5 November 1999.
Official documents shall be available at: http://www.unfccc.de
To All NGO's with a web site
Dear CSD (UN Commission for Sustainable Development) NGO colleagues,
Please go to: http://dmoz.org/Society/Government/International/United_Nations/Non-Governmental_Organizations/
and add your NGO's web site to this web page. By adding your NGO to this page, any person searching for it on the internet, will be able to know your NGO's web address, increasing public awareness of your NGO.
Hansel Cordeiro
Nikitin: secret retroactive military decrees for the eighth time
The Russian Secret Police (FSB) investigator Aleksandr Kolb submitted to Aleksandr Nikitin and his lawyers the results of an expert evaluation of state secrets in the Bellona Report on 17 June. The evaluation is solely based upon secret retroactive military decrees, which violates both articles 15 and 54 of the Russian Constitution.
This was the fourth evaluation of an alleged revelation of state secrets in the Bellona Northern Fleet Report since the FSB launched the criminal case in October 1995. The damage assessment, which is to follow, is the second attempt by the FSB to prove that Nikitin's actions seriously damaged the security of the Russian Federation. On October 29, 1998, the St. Petersburg City Court rejected the expert evaluations of the report because they were inconsistent and one-sided, and ruled that new expert evaluations had to be carried out. The Supreme Court of the Russian Federation confirmed this ruling in February of this year.
Nikitin's defence counsel says the new state secret evaluation is identical to the three previous ones both in content and reference to the secret retroactive military decrees. The General Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation found in a resolution dated January 27, 1997, the usage of the decrees in contradiction to the Russian Constitution. Nevertheless the new charges, which might be leveled in July, will be basically identical to the one criticised by the General Prosecutor Office and rejected by the two courts.
Nikitin is accused of high treason and divulging state secrets for co-authoring a Bellona report on radiation hazards in the Russian Northern Fleet. In February 1999, the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation returned the case to the FSB for additional investigation.
The deadline for the investigation expires on 11 July, given the FSB does not apply for an extension.
17 June 1999
Igor Kudrik, Researcher, the Bellona Foundation
More info:
Please disseminate this information further and/or make a link to the above URL, thank you.
Follow-Ups of the Hague Appeal for Peace Conference
Tobias Damjanov
Iraq: videos on sanctions and depleted uranium
Beatrice Boctor would like to let you know that work of about three years, lobbying in the UN, several visits to Iraq, and actual scientific research in DU has finally bore fruit in the form of two 35 minutes videos.
"Sanctions against Iraq. A Weapon of Mass Destruction". : explodes the myth that the "Oil for Food Formula" can solve a country's survival problems especially with no infrastructure, and with the population at large extremely incapacitated by radioactive,chemical and bacteriological pollution. The fact that all epidemics are rampant in Iraq because of the failure of sewage/water sanitation, coupled with near complete lack of medicines has led to a frightening rise of deaths especially in children. The video shows the failure in education among other things in the light of the Charter for Human Rights of the UN.
"From Radioactive Mines to Radioactive Weapons" follows the cycle of destruction of uranium, and depicts its effects on miners, Gulf War veterans, and Iraqi. The similarities in massive unknown illnesses, failure of the immune system, the massive rise of cancers, the explosion of birth defects, are similar in all groups concerned. The video ends with the scientific validation of DU as a main culprit.
To order the videos please contact Beatrice Boctor : mailto:
The price is £15 for each video. Contributions to the research effort will be greatly appreciated.
Thank you all.
Beatrice Boctor
Events listed here are being published only once due to limited space.
Changes, however, will be taken into account (marked with ''UPDATE'')
Conference on the Impact of Trade Liberalization Through the WTO and APEC
Objective - The conference aims to highlight issues for advocacy and to pinpoint areas and topics for research.
Program - Speakers from India, the Philippines, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, and Honk Kong shall present research results regarding the impact of the WTO and APEC. They shall share strategies and responses.
For more details, mailto:
Tom Munsey informs that http://inesglobal.org is now on-line.
<><><><><> end of No.25/1999 what's new in ines <><><><>