No.20/2000 |
Dateline: August 4, 2000 |
This is a weekly electronic information service of the International Network of Engineers and Scientists for Global Responsibility
Editor: Tobias Damjanov, e-mail:
INES homepage: http://inesglobal.org
INES International Office
INES Chair: Prof. Armin Tenner
CONTENTS of WNII No. 20/2000
New Zealand: Engineers for Social Responsibility (ESR) Newsletter July 2000 (Vol. 16/No. 3) http://www.esr.org.nz
The latest ESR Newsletter carries the following main articles:
Newsletter Editor: Neil Mander < >
"Chemical Weapons Convention in Danger"
INES member Paul F. Walker, Legacy Program Director of Global Green USA, recently distributed information that the US Defense Appropriations Conference committee deleted the Administration's $35 million request last month to support Russian chemical weapons destruction under the Cooperative Threat Reduction (CTR or "Nunn-Lugar") program. The House Armed Services Committee has also deleted the funds and ordered the program "closed out" (HR 4205, Sec. 1301). Fortunately, the Senate Armed Services Committee has supported the program under certain conditions (S 2549, Sec. 1208). If US support for Russian chemical weapons destruction stops, the Duma is likely to withdraw from the CWC, thereby endangering the entire CWC regime. Walker urged everyone to ask US Senators and Representatives to have the House recede to the Senate in the Defense Authorizing Conference next month, thereby allowing the program in the Russian Kurgan region to move forward.
Contact Paul F. Walker through: < >
Peace Message by David Krieger
Dr David Krieger, President of the Nuclear Age Peace Foundation (USA), and Vice-Chair of INES, has recently published the following Peace Message -
The world changed dramatically in the 20th century, a century of unprecedented violence. We humans learned how to release the power of the atom, and this led quickly to the creation and use of nuclear weapons.At Hiroshima and Nagasaki, this terrible new power was unleashed at the end of a bloody and costly war. Tens of thousands of persons, including large numbers of women and children, were killed in the massive explosion and radiation release of these new tools of destruction. A new icon was born: the mushroom cloud. It represented mankind's murderous prowess. In the years that followed, nuclear weapons multiplied in a mad arms race. We achieved the possibility of creating a global Hiroshima and ending most life on Earth.
If, one hundred years from now, you read this message, humanity will probably have succeeded in freeing itself from the scourge of nuclear weapons. That will be a great triumph. It will mean that we have met the first great challenge to our survival as a species. It will mean that we have learned and applied the lesson that the hibakusha, survivors of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, worked so diligently to teach us, that human beings and nuclear weapons cannot co-exist.
There is an alternative possibility, that of no civilization or human beings left alive one hundred years from now. Such a future would mean that we failed completely as a species, that we could not put away our primitive and violent means of settling our differences. Perhaps we would have simply stumbled by a combination of apathy and arrogance into an accidental nuclear conflagration. It would mean that all the beauty and elegant and subtle thought of humans that developed over our existence on Earth would have vanished. There would be no one left to appreciate what was or might have been. No eyes would read this letter to the future. There would be no future and the past would be erased. Meaning itself would be erased along with humanity.
We have a choice. We can end the nuclear weapons era, or we can run the risk that nuclear weapons will end the human era. The choice should not be difficult.In fact, the vast majority of humans would choose to eliminate nuclear weapons. Today, a small number of individuals in a small number of countries are holding humanity hostage to a nuclear holocaust. To change this situation and assure a future free of nuclear threat, people everywhere must exercise their rights to life and make their voices heard. They must speak out and act before it is too late. They must demand an end to the nuclear weapons era.
If this message reaches one hundred years into the future, it will mean that enough of my contemporaries and the generations that follow will have heard the messages of the hibakusha and will have chosen the paths of hope and peace. Humanity will have conquered its most terrible tools of destruction. If this is the case, I believe that your future will be bright.
David Krieger < >
USA: Nuclear Age Peace Foundation (NAPF), The Sunflower, No. 39, August 2000
Back issues: http://www.wagingpeace.org/sf/index.html
Events for the year 2000 are now listed at: http://www.wagingpeace.org/calendar/events_current.html
The August issue of The Sunflower covers the following:
Abolition 2000 homepage: http://www.abolition2000.org Grassroots News: http://www.napf.org/abolition2000/news/
New Resources (Source: The Sunflower, No. 39, August 2000)
The Hague Agenda in Europe
For more details, mailto:
The Future of Nuclear Disarmament, Arms Control, and Non-Proliferation
This international conference is aiming at analyzing regional security problems in Asia and Europe. It will discuss and develop possible political strategies for influencing the political agenda by asking what both governments and NGOs can do with regard to the conference subjects.
For more details, mailto:
Regional Aspects of Sustainability and the Role of Universities http://www.natwiss.de/Kaliningrad.htm
For more details, mailto:
International Youth Parliament 2000
For more details, mailto: http://www.caa.org.au/parliament
Building a World of Citizens One Year After Seattle
For more details, mailto: http://www.postSeattle.org
All INES e-mail addresses and homepages are available upon request from:
Visits to the INES homepage
Tom Munsey, webmaster of the INES homepage reports: The inesglobal site receives an average of twelve hits per day, which is good for a site that is not trying to sell anything and contains no pornography.
CHANGE Internet contacts Scientists' Initiative Responsibility for Peace and Sustainability (Germany)
additional e-mail: New website (so far, in German only): http://www.natwiss.de
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