
Dateline: March 20, 2000

This is a weekly electronic information service of the International Network of Engineers and Scientists for Global Responsibility

Editor: Tobias Damjanov, e-mail: < >
INES homepage: http://inesglobal.org
INES International Office < >
INES Chair: Prof. Armin Tenner < >

INES Congress 2000

''Challenges for Science and Engineering in the 21st Century''

Stockholm, 14-18 June 2000


 INES 2000 Conference Secretariat: mailto:

CONTENTS of WNII No. 10/2000


"INES Newsletter" No. 28 out now

The "INES Newsletter" No. 28/February 2000 has the following contents:

The "INES Newsletter" is edited by Armin Tenner, Buziaustraat 18, 1068 KN Amsterdam, The Netherlands Tel/Fax: , e-mail:   A pure ASCII version is available for distribution by e-mail. Ask the "INES Newsletter" editor to put you on his distribution list.

The "INES Newsletter" is also available at: http://inesglobal.org

"The SEU TIMES" No 2 (11) - February 2000

"The SEU TIMES" is the electronic newsletter of the "Socio-Ecological Union", one of the Russian INES member organisations. This year's February issue has the following contents:

Editor: Sviatoslav Zabelin < > Previous issues of "The SEU Times" may be found at "The Online Gadfly": http://www.igc.org/gadfly 

"IPB News" March 2000

"IPB News" is the regular magazine published by the International Peace Bureau, one of the international organisations of which INES is a member.

The 24-page March 2000 issue carries the following main articles:

plus a lot of resources and the "International Peace Calendar" with announcements of upcoming conferences and seminars around the world.

For copies, contact:  


Abolition 2000 homepage: http://www.abolition2000.org

Grassroots News: http://www.napf.org/abolition2000/news/  

Briefings on the 2000 NPT Review Conference
Note that I am compiling all "Briefings ." published so far as a  separate rtf-file. So if you wish to get an (always updated) overview of  what has been published here on the NPT Review Conference, I am able to  send you this compilation upon request.  T. Damjanov


Abolition 2000 Demands to the NPT Review Conference 2000  After issuing an "Abolition 2000 NPT Call to Action", the international network for the elimination of nuclear weapons (co-founded by INES in 1995) has now published a catalogue of 10 basic demands with regard to the NPT Conference for circulation to NPT delegates and other interested parties.

You can obtain this document either from the WNII editor, or from: Janet Bloomfield, Member, Abolition 2000 Co-Ordinating Committee < >


"Nuclear Disarmament at the Cross-Roads This was the title of a Conference organized by the Geneva-based NGO Committee for Disarmament. On behalf of INES and INESAP, T. Damjanov participated in this well-attended meeting which basically dealt with both the Conference on Disarmament and the NPT Review Conference. A report on this Conference, as well as on the NGO Committee Meeting, in Geneva, 17-18 March, is available upon request from:  

You can get this paper either from the WNII editor or from Bahig Nassar: < >

Web references (II) (for a previous list of Web references see WNII 5/00)

Please note that I did not find enough time to check upon all websites referred to below. The Editor.

NPT 2000 Statement: A Message from the Middle East The Cairo-based Arab Coordination Centre of NGOs has recently released this Statement which addresses the Parties to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons. If you wish to obtain this interesting document, contact either:  Bahig Nassar (also INESAP member), Coordinator of the Arab Coordination Centre of NGOs: < > or the WNII editor.


VERTIC: Vacancy announcements

The London-based Verification Research, Training and Information Centre (VERTIC) has vacancies for an On-Site Inspection Researcher and an Information Officer/Networker:

Applicants for these positions should send a curriculum vitae and a cover letter addressing the selection criteria and providing the names and full contact details of two referees.

For detailed job descriptions and selection criteria, see VERTICs website at http://www.vertic.org   or contact VERTICs Administrator, Angela Woodward < >

The closing date for applications is 31 March 2000.

VERTIC's "Trust & Verify" February 2000

"Trust & Verify" is the regular publication of the Verification Research, Training and Information Centre (VERTIC). Its February issue has the following main articles:

and the section "VERTIC News & Events"

For copies, contact: < >


CASYS'2000 - Fourth International Conference on Computing Anticipatory Systems http://www.ulg.ac.be/mathgen/CHAOS/CASYS.html  

For more details, mailto:  

Global Solidarity: The Way to Peace and International Cooperation Annual conference of the UN Department of Public Information and Non Governmental Organizing Committee

For more details, contact The Hague Appeal for Peace - New York Office, c/o IWTC: mailto:  


No new or changed email or web addresses in this issue.  All INES e-mail addresses and homepages are available upon request from: < >

<><><><><> end of No. 10/2000  what's new in ines <><><><>